May 10, 2020

Every Christian Must

Series: Stand Alone Sermons Scripture: John 15:12–17

The love that a mother has for her children is a great picture of the love that the Lord has for his people. Often in Scripture the Lord uses pictures of motherhood to describe his love and protection. In Hosea, God describes himself as a mother bear who will enact vengeance on those who stole her cubs (Hosea 13:8). In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus describes himself as a mother hen who would gather her brood under her wings (Matthew 23:37). And in the book of Isaiah, the Lord compares his love to that of a nursing mother who cares for her child (Isaiah 49:15). Yet this love does not come without a cost and a call. For the love of a mother is beautiful but it is also difficult. The love of a mother is the call to lay down a life for the good of another. On this Mother’s Day Sunday we will take time to see how the love of a mother reflects the love that Christ has for his Church and how we all are called to lay down our lives in love as we trust in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.


  1. Every Christian Must Serve with Humility
  2. Every Christian Must Release with Trust
  3. Every Christian Must Suffer with Joy
  4. Every Christian Must Pray with Hope