In Psalm 100:2 the Lord instructs us to "Serve the Lord with gladness!  Come into His presence with singing!" It is never too early to begin teaching our children how to serve the Lord.  Participating in a youth choir is a wonderful opportunity for service.  Not only do the children benefit from a fine musical experience, but they are given the opportunity to serve in corporate worship several times each semester.

We encourage your child's participation in one of the children's youth vocal choirs this fall:
Cherub Choir - PreK-Grade 2 – Amy Hall, director
Chapel Choir - Grades 3-6 – Lori Flowers, director
New Song - Grades 7-12 – Elese Frazier, director

Rehearsals begin on September 4 and are from 5:15 pm - 5:45 pm.  Please pre-register by contacting Peggy Bettcher