FAITH & DOCTRINE: The Heidelberg Catechism (Chapel)
Using Kevin DeYoung’s book The Good News We Almost Forgot you will learn that the gospel summarized in the Heidelberg Catechism is glorious, its Christ gracious, its comfort rich, its Spirit strong, its God Sovereign, and its truth timeless." Come and learn how your soul can be warmed by the elegantly and logically stated doctrine that matters most: We are great sinners and Christ is a greater Savior!
Leaders: Scott Amos, Carey Roberts, & Ken Bradford
Room: The Chapel
BARNABAS CLASS: Gospel of Luke
This class is comprised of adults of all ages and averages 45-50 attendees per week. The class format is lecture and discussion, with an intentional focus on the expository study of God’s Word, discipleship, community-building, and encouraging one another. In addition to Bible study, each week includes music and a time of prayer and sharing.The Gospel of Luke teaches us about Jesus' compassion for the marginalized, his message of salvation, and detailed accounts of his birth and early life.
Leaders: Vance Pickard, Rodney & Jan Suddith
Room: Discipleship Wing #203-204
BIBLE CLASS: Gospel of John
This class is primarily married couples 50+ and the average class size is 20-25. The class format is mostly lecture with some discussion. The class will continue studying the Gospel of John which has one clear purpose: to prove that Jesus is the Word, the Messiah, and the Son of God.
Leaders: Chris Smith, Bruce Bell, Phyllis Workman, & Scott Hall
Room: John Knox Room
EMMAUS CLASS: Gospel of Mark
This class welcomes all who wish to study books of the Bible, both Old Testament and New Testament. Class age ranges from early 20’s to early 90’s. Teacher-led discussion format with circular seating that allows for lively and robust discussion. The class usually has 15-25 participants and has occasional social functions. This class will continue Mark which reveals Jesus as the Suffering Servant and the urgency of following him through challenging circumstances.
Leaders: Doug Lane, Randy Davy, Tom Thomas, & Beth Doan
Room: Discipleship Wing #201
FOUNDATIONS CLASS: Just for Starters (Library)
This winter and spring, we will learn what the Bible teaches on seven fundamental topics: Saved by God, Trusting in God, Living God's way, Listening to God, Talking to God, Meeting with God's family, and Meeting the world.
Leaders: Jennifer Eaton, Ben Moomaw, & Bryton Krantz
Room: Library
SOJOURNERS CLASS: Zechariah and Malachi (Room 206)
Throughout Zechariah, we see Messianic prophecies depicting both Jesus' first coming and future return as the righteous King, reminding us of God's faithfulness. In Malachi we learn about God's covenant with his people, the call to return to faithful worship, the condemnation of religious hypocrisy, and the promise of a coming Messiah.
Leaders: Eric Vess, Lori Flowers, Shawn Morrison, & Elke Cox
Room: Discipleship Wing #206
COLLEGE HOUR: Acts of the Apostles
This class is primarily college-age students between 18-22. In the Gospel of Matthew after Jesus’ resurrection, He commends the twelve to go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations. Through the empowering work of the Holy Spirit, the truth of Christ’s resurrection moves outward to the nations from Jerusalem, to Judea-Samaria, and to the ends of the earth, recorded in the book of Acts. Join us as we study through this book!
Leaders: Campus Outreach Staff
Room: Discipleship Wing #205
20 SOMETHINGS+ CLASS: Hosea and Jonah
Primarily adults in their 20s and 30s in various stages of life, with an average class size between 20-30. This class format is lecture and discussion.This class will study Hosea and Jonah. Hosea teaches us about God's unwavering love, forgiveness, and judgment against Israel's idolatry and unfaithfulness. Jonah shows us God’s boundless mercy, the importance of following God's call even when it's difficult, and the contrast between Jonah's initial resistance and the Ninevites' quick repentance. The group also hosts a social lunch on the 2nd Sunday of every month, and a fun activity or event on the 4th Friday of every month.
Leaders: Grace Eaton, Elizabeth Ware, James Carrig, & Ivan Erway
Room: Fellowship Hall Room A
This class is primarily married couples aged late 20s – late 40s with an average class size of 30-45. The class format is lecture with discussion and they enjoy several social functions each year. This class will continue studying Matthew as he uses his strong Jewish knowledge of the expected Messiah with his recollections of the flesh-and-blood Savior. In the process, he reveals the qualifications that prove Jesus was the promised Messiah!
Leaders: Bert & Christy Murphy, Michael & Heather Hall, and Evan & Katie Harris
Room: Fellowship Hall