
UPDATE: Due to potential inclement weather, RFN Dinner and Classes are canceled for Wednesday, February 19th.
Choir members, keep an eye on your email, Peggy will decide about choirs tomorrow (Wednesday).

Preschool Teacher/Substitute Job Description

The Preschool is Seeking Substitutes 
Requirements for substitutes are similar to teachers. Persons interested in a substitute position at Rivermont Preschool must complete an employment application. Substitutes work from 8:45 am to 12:15 pm unless otherwise specified by the teacher who needs coverage. Contact Treasa Plude if interested in submitting an application.

The following are requirements for teachers employed by Rivermont Preschool:
Profess faith that Jesus is Lord and Savior
Possess experience in teaching or working with children
Possess a degree in early childhood education (this is preferred but not required)

Every teacher has been certified by a medical professional to be free from any disability which would hinder the teacher from caring for the children enrolled at Rivermont Preschool.

Rivermont teacher’s philosophical objectives:
To provide a loving, nurturing, safe, accepting, and respectful environment offering age-appropriate preschool play and exploration.
To allow our lives to be a reflection of the love of Jesus to the children placed in our care, their parents, and our co-workers.
To create an environment that incorporates the Fruit of the Spirit (as found in Galatians 5:22, 23) love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. As we extend and model these qualities to the children, they will, through our example, learn to extend them to one another as well.

Our program is a Christian evangelical outreach to the child and family. Our teachers possess a personal Christian faith.
Our program is that of a team-teaching effort in which teachers rotate and equally share job responsibilities. The teacher must work in harmony and Christian love with her co-teacher in providing a well-thought-out plan of activities that utilizes our monthly theme, promotes developmental skills for the children, and uses scripture memory and Bible stories.

Rivermont teacher’s responsibilities:

  1. Teachers should observe hours of employment (8:30 am - 12:30 pm) and have classroom and activities ready upon arrival of children. The teacher should understand the preschool’s working relationship with the church by leaving the room clean and ready for its next use. Materials must be returned to their proper storage place.

  2. The teacher should secure a substitute when she realizes she must be absent for the day by contacting someone from the provided substitute list. If a substitute cannot be secured due to a teacher’s sudden illness or other extreme circumstances, the Preschool Administration should be notified as soon as possible.

  3. The teacher should interact throughout the morning with the children and encourage their involvement in activities. She should know the developmental characteristics of her age children as well as appropriate responses for typical situations that may arise. She should treat each child equally, especially when reaching out in love to the child who may be difficult.

  4. The teacher should establish and maintain good relations with parents.

  5. The teacher should comply with all policies, procedures, and philosophies as stated in the Staff Policy Manual. She should maintain all student records (daily attendance, weekly lesson plans, monthly calendars, accident forms, and student registration sheets, with updates as new information is given.

Contact Treasa Plude, Preschool Director, to inquire about positions.