November 14, 2021

A Weary World Rejoices

Pastor: Clay Smith Series: 2021 Mission Conference Scripture: Acts 9:1–43

Rivermont Missions Conference: A Weary World Rejoices 

“A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices, for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn...” You know these words from the Christmas Hymn, O Holy Night. It seems that this year, such words ring more true than ever. For there is no greater hope for our weary world than the thrill of knowing and trusting in the power of Christ's life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. That has been the focus of our weekend Mission Conference and we look to wrap up the conference on Sunday as former Senior Pastor of Rivermont, Clay Smith, preaches a sermon from Acts 9 entitled, "The Gospel's Power to Savor". We'll be looking at the conversion of Saul, whose transformation and change was profound. As we look at his conversion, we'll ask the question, "How does a person change?" We'll find that a person begins to change when they meet Jesus and they grow when Jesus sets them into a family.

As we celebrate God’s missional power to save, his call to serve and his invitation to savor, we will sing "How Great Thou Art", "To God Be the Glory", and "Lift High the Cross". We will also enjoy special music from Miriam and Rachel Amos (8:30), Doug and Julie Haley and Vicky Pogue (8:30/11:00), the Chapel Choir (11:00) and the Sanctuary Choir (11:00).

May God's glory and renown be experienced as we come together this Sunday for worship.

Sunday's Bulletin

other sermons in this series