Art with Amy (ages 18+)

Every second Monday of every month

6:00pm – 7:30pm

Rivermont Evangelical Presbyterian Church  View Map

Coordinator:  Amy Szymczyk

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Many people are interested in doing something artistic. And mostly it’s that awful thing called fear that keeps us from even holding a brush and giving art a try. Years of teaching has shown me that fear in my students is what keeps them from creating. Fear of messing up, looking dumb, wasting time, wasting paint… you name it. It’s heartbreaking because it really keeps some fantastic art from entering their lives and our world.

But the good news is that I am here to help you through it. I’ve done my time with fear and fear still shows up. But instead of looking at all you “think” you can’t do. I like to look at the joy of what art does for you and your world. And let me tell you, it is fun and joy filled even in the challenges.

If you are 18 years old or older, join us during our art meet ups we are going to explore our creative side in an art journal primarily using watercolor, inks and pen. I will give you artistic prompts to help you to learn to use your art supplies and encourage you as you strengthen your creative muscles. So what do you need to do?

  1. Let me know you're coming. I want to make sure I have enough art sketchbooks for everyone. (These are free to you but donations will be accepted to help with supplies provided for Art with Amy)
  2. Show up. That might be the hardest part, not the brush holding or “drawing” or anything with the art stuff but the showing up can be hard because you are being a bit vulnerable as you try something new. I get it, I’ve been there. But trust me after about 15 minutes you’ll be fine, especially as you explore with color.
  3. Come back.
