Preparing For The Lord's Day


Preparing for the Lord's Day

Standing up to your friends is often more difficult than standing up to your enemies. We call it peer-pressure and it is a powerful force in our lives. Who cannot think of a story of giving in to do something stupid or even illogical because a friend pressured you? Your first drink; your first cigarette; your first act of vandalism. These were probably not done alone after a day of contemplation. No, you were most likely with a friend whose approval you were seeking.

On a humorous note, when I was in middle school, I had a friend who thought “grunge” fashion was cool. So, to impress him I showed up at the mall wearing a flannel, baggy jean shorts, long thermal underwear, and Doc Martins. I think Eddie Vedder (Pearl Jam) wore that once. My friend wore something similarly grunge. And we walked around the mall looking like fools. At least we looked like fools together. 

In our passage for this Sunday, we have a case of peer pressure causing Peter and other church leaders to make foolish decisions. They have felt the pressure to stop meal fellowship with Gentile Christians. Instead of standing up to this pressure, Peter gives in along with many other church leaders including Barnabas. However, Paul has the courage to stand up to this peer-pressure for the sake of the gospel. In our own lives, we will be pressured to live in ways that are contrary to our beliefs. In those times how will we stand for the gospel? To come prepared for the sermon take time this week to read and to meditate upon Galatians 2:11-14, Mark 14:66-72, Leviticus 11, 1 Corinthians 15:3-11, 2 Peter 3:15-18, and WCF 17.3

This week we will celebrate that sacrament of the Lord’s Supper during our worship service. As we receive the elements of bread and wine look in faith to the Lord Jesus Christ. For as we physically receive the signs of the Lord’s body and blood, spiritually we feed upon him and all his benefits. Our hymns for this week include “My Hope Is in the Lord,” “There Is a Redeemer,” and “The Communion Hymn.” 

Special music begins with the Prelude (11:00), "Meditation on 'Beautiful Savior' " played by the Carillon Handbells. Special Time for Young Disciples (11:00), the  Chapel Choir will sing, "Celebrate Today!"  The Offertory Anthem (8:00), Praise Ringers will play "This Is Amazing Grace," and (11:00), Carillon Handbells will play "Fantasia on 'O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus.' "  The Postlude will be played by Hadley Hall (organ), "Prelude and Fugue in Bb Major."

Text: Galatians 2:11-14 

Title: Standing for the Gospel


  1. You Cannot Give in to Fear (vv. 11-12)
  2. You Cannot Give in to Hypocrisy (v. 13)
  3. You Cannot Give in to Pride (v. 14)

 Sunday's bulletin