
UPDATE: Due to potential inclement weather, RFN Dinner and Classes are canceled for Wednesday, February 19th.
Choir members, keep an eye on your email, Peggy will decide about choirs tomorrow (Wednesday).

Preparing For The Lord's Day


Preparing for the Lord's Day

Missio Nexus

This week we continue our study of connecting everyday life to God’s gospel mission. We have heard over the last several weeks of practical ways that we can connect with our neighbors in Rivermont, on the sports fields, and on college campuses. This week we turn our attention to pursuing God’s mission purpose in our homes. 

There is no place of intimacy and comfort like one’s home. When you invite someone into your home to share a meal you open your life to them. You declare that they are accepted, valuable and welcome. And yet the mere act of entertaining does not mean that you are living on mission. To truly live on mission, we must entertain for Christ. 

In our passage for this week, we come to the dinner party hosted by Mary and Martha. It was a dinner party with one very special guest, the Lord Jesus Christ. And what we will see in this text is that if we would live in obedience to God’s gospel mission we must offer Christ in our homes. To prepare for the sermon take time this week to read and to meditate upon Luke 10:38-42, Deuteronomy 8:3, Isaiah 55:1-3, Matthew 25:31-40, Luke 14:13-14, John 6:35-40, Hebrews 13:1-2, and this teaching on hospitality

This Sunday we will celebrate that sacrament of the Lord’s Supper during our worship service. As we receive the elements of bread and wine look in faith to the Lord Jesus Christ. For as we physically receive the signs of the Lord’s body and blood, spiritually we feed upon him and all his benefits. Our hymns for this week include “All People That on Earth Do Dwell,” “There Is a Redeemer,” and “Fairest Lord Jesus.” 

Sermon Information: 

Text: Luke 10:38-42

Title: Entertaining for Christ 


Point One: Every Christian Must Open Their Home for Christ (v. 38)

Point Two: Every Christian Must Remain Focused on Christ (vv. 39-40)

Point Three: Every Christian Must Offer Christ (vv. 41-42)

Sunday's bulletin