Preparing For The Lord's Day


Preparing for the Lord's Day

Kingdoms in Conflict 

The movie Glory follows the first regiment of black soldiers in the Union army during the Civil War. Along with all the horrors of war this company also had to deal with all the prejudices of their enemy and their own fellow soldiers. At the conclusion of the movie, this regiment is ordered to take Fort Wagner, a Confederate stronghold in Charleston, South Carolina. The chance of victory was low and the prospect of injury or death high. As the battle is about to begin their commander, Col. Robert Shaw, stands beside the flag bearer at the head of the column of soldiers and asked, “Should this man fall, who will lift the flag and carry on?” The flag was not only a symbol of their country but it was a sign that the mission was going on. Despite the chaos and fear and confusion, there was still a guide and a hope. The flag was not to touch the ground. In the battle many fall, but the flag continues to be held high. 

In our passage for this Palm Sunday the prophet, Elijah is taken up to heaven. And left behind is his disciple, Elisha. Elijah had battled the kingdom of Omri, but now the mission must pass to the next generation. The banner must be taken up by the next in line. As we will see many will pine for the past once Elijah leaves. Nevertheless, God’s mission marches onward. It continues to go forward. While one may die, God's mission will never be thwarted. In this battle against evil, many will fall but God’s mission and his purposes will be accomplished. And what we will see is that God is calling us, in our generation, to take up the banner. He is calling us to join the battle trusting that through Christ his kingdom will prevail. To come prepared for the sermon take time this week to read and meditate upon 2 Kings 2, Matthew 28:19-20, Luke 9:62; 19:38, 1 Corinthians 1:12-13, Philippians 3:13-14, and this article on the Triumphal Entry

As we gather to worship our Humble King this Palm Sunday, we will join our hearts in song, singing the Processional Hymn “All Glory, Laud, and Honor, the Acclamation of Praise “O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus!” and the Hymn of Response “Lift High the Cross.” Let us come to worship this Sunday prepared to hear God’s Word, to receive it in faith, to love and treasure it in our hearts, and to practice it in our lives so that we may continue to glorify and enjoy Him! 

Sermon Information: 

Text: 2 Kings 2 

Title: The Mission Continues 


  1. Every Christian Must Trust in the Power of God
  2. Every Christian Must Not Dwell on the Past
  3. Every Christian Must Keep on Task

Sunday's bulletin