
UPDATE: Due to potential inclement weather, RFN Dinner and Classes are canceled for Wednesday, February 19th.
Choir members, keep an eye on your email, Peggy will decide about choirs tomorrow (Wednesday).

June 16, 2024

Christ and His Indwelling Power

Pastor: Ron Cox Series: Trusting Jesus Christ & His Provision Scripture: Ephesians 3:14–21

Trusting Jesus Christ and His Provision in Relationships

In preparing for corporate worship, praise God that we know to seek the Lord in prayer that we would worship Him in Spirit and in truth.  Throughout the week, we encourage one another to remain in prayer for the Prayer Opportunities listed each week on the bulletin insert.  This Sunday, we’ll have a specific prayer request, noted below, for next week’s General Assembly of our denomination in Memphis, Tennessee. On this Father’s Day, we’ll  also give thanks for our fathers knowing the profound influence of a father’s love and commitment.  We’ll also give thanks to the many spiritual fathers that we have as they minister to many of us of all ages.  

For the mini-sermon series for June entitled “Trusting Christ and His Provision in Relationships,” the common themes of abiding joy, consistent prayer, and humble obedience to Jesus Christ in response to His profound love and sovereign majesty remain consistent.  We’ve embraced   “Christ and the Pursuit of His Peace” (Philippians 4:4-7) and “Christ and His Abiding Presence” (John 15:1-5). This Sunday, we continue to look at the provision of Christ in relationships by seeking “Christ and His Indwelling Power” (Ephesians 3:14-21).  To come prepared for worship, please remain in prayer for God to open the eyes of our hearts and minds. Please meditate upon Philippians 4:4-7, John 15:1-5, and Ephesians 3:14-21 and allow God’s Spirit to encourage you in the provide wonders of Christ’s love and His desire to conform us to His image.

Please be in prayer for the 44th General Assembly of our denomination, June 18-20, at Hope Church, Cordova, Tennessee.  While all our church court meetings are important, this General Assembly will begin to process an overture sent from our Presbytery to solidify the denomination’s position on our identity in Christ versus identity in any sexual orientation.    We embrace the vital Biblical blessing of our identity in Christ alone. “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come” (2 Corinthians 5:17).  With many pastors and elders across the EPC, we want to stand in unity to maintain Biblical fidelity and purity in Jesus Christ.   Rivermont elders attending are Clay Atkins, Randy Davy, Wistar Nelligan, Rodney Suddith, Earl Weaver, and Pastor Ron Cox. 

As we gather to worship the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit this Lord’s Day, we will join our hearts and voices in singing the Hymn of Praise “Come, Thou Almighty King,” the Acclamation of Praise “Before the Throne of God Above,” and the Hymn of Response “In Christ Alone.” Let us come to worship this Sunday prepared to hear God’s Word, to receive it in faith, to love and treasure it in our hearts, and to practice it in our lives that we may continue to glorify and enjoy Him! 

Sermon Information

Text: Ephesians 3:14-21

Title: Christ and His Indwelling Power


   Introduction:  Christ and His Provision

  1. Heart Preparation (Ephesians 3:14-15)  
  2. Prayerful Petitions (Ephesians 3:16-19) 
  3. Encouraging Praise (Ephesians 3:20-21)   

   Conclusion:  Christ and His Purposes

Sunday's Bulletin

Bulletin Insert