
UPDATE: Due to potential inclement weather, RFN Dinner and Classes are canceled for Wednesday, February 19th.
Choir members, keep an eye on your email, Peggy will decide about choirs tomorrow (Wednesday).

News and Information

     • Infant (Lower Level Room #101) 
     • 1-year-olds who are walking (Lower Level room 102)
     • 2-year-olds (Lower Level Room #109) 
     • 3-year-olds (Lower Level Room #105) 
     • Pre-K-Kindergarten (Third Floor Room #301)

     • 1st - 2nd Grade (Third Floor Room #302)
     • 3rd -  4th Grade (Third Floor Room #308)


CLUB 56:
Topic: How Majestic Is Your Name
Leaders: Brian Nash and Treasa Plude
Room: 207
Description: The names of God in the Bible are a reflection of His character, which is so glorious that He cannot be described by a single name. His character is communicated in hundreds of names progressively revealed in the Bible. But the focus of How Majestic Is Your Name is not the many names, titles and references to God. These are merely the structure to show the greatness of our God. Each lesson will present glorious truths about God and encourages students to see and rejoice in His goodness and greatness.

7th - 8th Grade: Who are you Jesus?

Led by Lissa Hull and April Weber

(Youth House Room #322)

When thinking about Jesus one of the most important questions we can ask is, who are you? Jesus asks us to give up everything and follow Him, so it is important to know and understand who we are following and why we should follow Him. Thankfully, in the Gospel of John, Jesus gives us seven statements to help us understand who He is and why we should follow Him. These “ I AM” statements will be the focal point of our time together and allow us to know the Son of God in a more personal and meaningful way. 

9th Grade: Confirmation

Led by Moose Pierce and Andrew Shields

(Youth House Room #320)

Students will spend two months going through the five memberships vows, learning about church government, and considering what it means to take personal responsibility of their faith in Christ. This class not only serves as an important step in the life of a believer, it will allow students to share testimonies about God’s goodness and faithfulness and students will also participate in a service project together.

10th Grade: The Lord's Prayer

(Youth House Room #324)

Jesus taught his disciples to pray by using the Lord's prayer. Each week students will explore one phrase of Jesus' prayer together with other passages from Matthew's gospel that shed light on it. Students will see that prayer is like a training ground that embeds the knowledge of God deep into their souls.

11th - 12th Grade: Genesis

Led by Shane and Laura Whelan

(Youth House Room The Quinlan Room -The Q)

Genesis sets the scene for the whole of the Bible and addresses the whole human race. It insists that the one and only God was responsible for bringing everything into being. Also, running through Genesis, from Adam and Eve to Joseph and his brothers, is the theme of grace, and God’s mercy despite human sin. So come and learn about the God who created all things and loves us too much to leave us alone!

20 Somethings+ will meet in the Fellowship Hall room A.

The 20 Somethings+ ministry meets weekly for teaching, the second Sunday for lunch and Fourth Friday for an event. Come join us as we grow in love together!

Leaders: Ryan Pickard, Grant Barkley, Tessa Sydnor, & Caleb Wade



Adult Home Builders Class: 

Location: Fellowship Hall Main Room

Does it seem like there are just too many problems in the church today?   Would you like to return to the “good old days”?    Unfortunately, from the very beginning, Christians have been engaged in an all-out spiritual war resulting in problems in every church.    In the first century, three years after he established a church in the city of Corinth, Paul received word that there were major problems. He sent several letters and his coworker Timothy in an effort to deal with these problems.    Starting in January, the Homebuilders Sunday school class will be studying two of these letters - 1 & 2 Corinthians.    Join us as we seek to gain God’s wisdom in dealing with challenges in our church today.

Teachers: Bert & Christy Murphy, Michael & Heather Hall, and Evan & Katie Harris  


Adult Class: The Cross of Christ

Location: Chapel

Description: How can God bring triumph out of defeat, or redemption from humiliation and tragedy?  The heart of the Gospel rests on God using the cross - a symbol of treachery and punishment - to bring about our salvation and victory over sin.  John Stott's The Cross of Christ guides our study this winter as we explore Christ's work to atone for our sins and how it animates our daily life, worship, and constant thanksgiving for the Lord's mercy and grace. 

Teachers: Carey Roberts, Ken Bradford, Scott Amos, Bruce Bell


Adult Class: The Good Shepherd

Location: Discipleship Wing #206

Description: The Lord is my Shepherd.” Thus begins the most beloved of all Psalms―and thus begins a thousand-year journey through the Bible. Prophets, apostles, and Jesus himself took up this image from David, reshaping it, developing it, and applying it to their own situations and needs. Kenneth Bailey uses his celebrated insights into Middle Eastern culture and especially his familiarity with Middle Eastern shepherding customs to bring new light and life to our understanding of this central image of the Christian faith.

Teachers: Eric Vess, Lori Flowers, Shawn Morrison, and Elke Cox


Adult Class: Titus
Location: The John Knox Room

Description: During the winter quarter, the John Knox class will be studying Paul's epistle to Titus - a short book that has much to teach us! All are welcome to join us as we explore principles of Christian leadership, as well as how sound doctrine and teaching are foundational to godly living.

Teachers: Chris Smith, Bruce Bell, Phyllis Workman, and Scott Hall


Adult Class: I Corinthians

Location: Discipleship Wing #201

Description: The Discussion Class will study 1 Corinthians, Paul's letter to the church of Corinth addressing myriad problems with the church's misunderstanding of issues of marriage, sexual immorality, participation in pagan religions, order within corporate worship, bodily resurrection of Christians, and social elitism. Paul explains God's gifts to the church in Christ of wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, redemption and love.  We plan to drill as deeply into the word of God each Sunday as the teacher leads, while allowing time for class discussion.

Leaders: Doug Lane, Randy Davy, Thom Thomas, and Beth Doan


Adult Class: Foundations: A Study of I John

Room: Discipleship Wing #205

Description: The Foundation Sunday school seeks to establish those seeking or strengthening a foundation in Christ.  This Sunday school would be a great place for new Christians and Christians seeking renewal in the basics of the faith. This semester we will explore how assurance in Christ launches us into a life of love. Come as a new Christian or come to encourage a new Christian in the foundations of the faith.

Leaders: Pastor Mike, Jennifer Eaton, Ben Moomaw, and Alice Gordon


Adult Class: Jeremiah

Room: Discipleship Wing #203-204

Join us as we continue in Jeremiah 33. What should our perspective be as individuals, as institutions, as orthodox Christians, and as those who would claim to be Bible-believing living in a post-Christian world?  The prophet Jeremiah lived at the end of a dark period. God put His words in Jeremiah’s mouth to “pluck up and to break down, to destroy and to overthrow…to build and to plant.” His redemptive, reconstructive work provides a portrait of the future – that we see fulfilled in the life, death and resurrection of Christ. Like Jeremiah, may we be bold before people and broken before God!

Leaders: Rodney & Jan Suddith and Vance Pickard