Feb 10
Sept 12, 2021
Vivamus gravida luctus feugiat. Sed sed dolor augue. Curabitur leo ex, vehicula vel orci vitae, elementum placerat nisi. Suspendisse vel urna vel neque tempus Vivamus gravida luctus feugiat. Sed sed dolor augue. Curabitur leo ex, vehicula vel orci vitae, elementum placerat nisi. Suspendisse vel urn…
Spend some time getting to know our members and their stories as we highlight God's work through Rivermont in their lives. This video highlights Michael Herbert and his journey of trusting God through his cancer diagnosis.
Keep ReadingMaria shares the joy of growing up in and being part of Rivermont EPC.
Keep ReadingSpend some time getting to know our members and their stories as we highlight God's work through Rivermont in their lives. This video highlights Michael and Heather Hall, who've been members since 1999.
Keep ReadingFeb 10
Dec 15
Dec 13
Oct 14
Aug 10
Jul 11
For our sermon series called Missio Nexus: where life intersects mission, we want to encourage you to join us as we read through the book of Acts. In this reading of Acts we see the power of God to equip the church to be witness of the Gospel in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and the Ends of the Earth.
May 1
This Morning to Evening Prayer resource will help you pray morning, midday, and evening as we celebrate Christ's resurrection!
Apr 27
Spend some time getting to know our members and their stories as we highlight God's work through Rivermont in their lives. This video highlights Michael Herbert and his journey of trusting God through his cancer diagnosis.
Dec 24
This resource provides a liturgical prayer guide for Christmas day and a week after Christmas.
Dec 24
For this devotional, Pastor Mike teaches on the birth of the swaddled baby Jesus.
Dec 19
For this Devotion, Pastor Mike Palombo teaches us how the story of Esther points to Christ’s risk taking love.
Dec 14
For this Devotion, Pastor Mike Palombo teaches us how Jesus fulfills the David Covenant.
Dec 9
For this devotion, Pastor Mike teaches how the story of Joseph encourages us to trust in Jesus in light of life's disappointments.
Dec 4
For this devotion, Pastor Mike shares how the story of Noah points to the coming relief of Christ.
For this book review, Pastor Mike Palombo shares some key takeaways from Emotionally Healthy Leader.
Aug 28
For this book review, Pastor Mike discusses the book "The Common Rule" by Justin Whitmel Early. In this review Mike discusses how our regular habits shape our love and our life. He emphasizes the practices of three times-a-day kneeling prayer and reading Scripture before phone.
Aug 21
Aug 20
Study the Book of Romans with us as we dive into the glory of the Gospel daily.
Jul 2
For this devotion, Pastor Mike teaches on God providing daily bread and how that shapes the way we pray.
For this devotion, Pastor Mike teaches on the importance of abiding in the word before asking in prayer.
May 20
For this devotion, Pastor Mike teaches on what baptism is and what it signifies.
For this devotion, Pastor Mike teaches on the power of the Word of God to save us, sustain us and grow us in grace.
For this devotion, Pastor Mike teaches on why every sin deserves the wrath of God.
Apr 29
For this devotion , Pastor Mike Palombo teaches on the tenth commandment and how we can avoid coveting.
For this devotion, Pastor Mike teaches on our call to productive labor which keeps us from stealing.
For this devotion, Pastor Mike Palombo addresses the command to not commit murder or suicide and the conditions that lead to those actions.
For this devotion, Pastor Mike teaches about the importance of honoring and obeying authorities over us.
Apr 1
For this devotion in the Westminster Shorter Catechism, Pastor Mike teaches on the meaning of the Sabbath on the seventh day in the Old Testament and on the first day in the New Testament.
Mar 25
For this devotion, Pastor Mike Palombo teaches on what the third commandment requires of us.
Mar 18
For this devotion, Pastor Mike teaches on the Second Commandment to not create and not bow down to the creation.
Mar 14
In this post you will find an explanation of the season of Lent along with Scripture Readings for Lent.
Mar 11
For this devotion, Pastor Mike teaches us how the preface to the Ten Commandments teaches us deliverance precedes devotion.
Mar 4
For this devotion, Pastor Mike teaches why we are required to obey God in light of the grace of God.
Feb 25
For this devotion, Pastor Mike describes the great privileges of being adopted by God.
Feb 18
For this devotion, Pastor Mike explains how it is that the Holy Spirit makes us partakers of the redemption purchased by Christ.
Feb 11
For this devotion, Pastor Mike teaches on the office of Christ as our prophet.
Feb 4
For this devotion, Pastor Mike talks about the miserable consequences of sin in question 19 of the Westminster Shorter Catechism.
Jan 28
For this devotion, Pastor Mike clarifies how and why we sin against God in the Westminster Shorter Catechism.
Jan 21
For this devotion, Pastor Mike teaches on God’s good creation in the shorter catechism.
Jan 14
For this devotion, Pastor Mike teaches on Shorter Catechism #4, “What is God?”
Nov 25
For this devotion, Pastor Mike will teach on the importance of submission to God's will in the Lord's Prayer.
For this devotion, Pastor Mike teaches on the Apostles' Creed: The Work of the Holy Spirit (1).
For this devotion, Pastor Mike describes what it means that Jesus ascended into heaven.
For this devotion, Pastor Mike encourages us to trust in Jesus who suffered to save us.
For this Pastor's devotion in the Apostle's Creed, Pastor Mike encourages us to believe in Jesus, the Son of God who saves as the faithful son.
This Morning to Evening Prayer guide provide a rhythm for Morning to Evening Prayer through the Ordinary season.
For this devotion, Pastor Mike teaches on God the Father in the Apostle's Creed.
For this devotion in Amos 6:1-8, Pastor Mike encourages us to discomfort ourselves for the good of others.
For this devotional, Pastor Mike Palombo discusses systemic injustice from a Biblical perspective.
Sep 10
For this devotion, Pastor Mike Palombo calls us to love God and neighbor while we seek justice!
This video highlights Fall discipleship for Children from kindergarten-4th grade and fifth-sixth grade.
Sep 3
For this devotion in Proverbs 31:4-9, Pastor Mike teaches how people in authority practice restorative justice.
Aug 27
For this devotion in Psalm 146, Pastor Mike discusses God’s restorative justice to those that have been sinned against.
Aug 24
This announcement clarifies how to connect and grow with our Youth Ministry and Homebuilders in the fall.
Aug 20
For this Pastor's devotion in Psalm 33:20-22, Pastor Mike shares how this verse helped him and Whitney wait on the LORD for Ellie Ruth Palombo.
Aug 15
Find out ways to connect and grow in worship and prayer.
Aug 14
Pastor Mike continues to teach us about justice.
Jul 30
For this devotional in Exodus 23, Pastor Mike Palombo discusses how we ought to pursue retributive justice in society according to the Bible.
This Morning to Evening Prayer guide provide a rhythm for Morning to Evening Prayer through the Ordinary season.
Jul 23
For this Pastor's Devotion in Romans 2:1-5, Pastor Mike will teach on God's retributive justice.
Jul 16
For this Devotion in Jeremiah 23:16-22, Pastor Mike Palombo calls us to base our understanding of justice on the Bible, God's final authority for life!
Jul 9
For this devotion in Matthew 5:23-26, Pastor Mike encourages us to ask for forgiveness in a way that takes responsibility for our sin.
Jul 3
Jul 2
Pastor Mike encourages us to forgive one another as Christ has forgiven us.
For this Devotional in 1 peter 2:21-24, Pastor Mike teaches that to avoid bearing grudges we must look to Jesus who bore our sin.
Jun 18
For this Pastor's Devotion in Leviticus 19:18, Pastor Mike encourages to seek justice with constructive love rather than destructive vengeance.
Jun 12
For this devotional in Ephesians 4:26-27, Pastor Mike encourages us to be angry and not sin as we process injustice.
Jun 4
For this devotion in Romans 12:14-16, Pastor Mike encourages us to weep with those who weep as we do the work of reconciliation.
May 28
For this devotional in 1 Thessalonians 1:4-8, Pastor Mike encourages us to enjoy the presence of the Holy Spirit.
May 21
For this Pastor's Devotional in John 15:26-27, Pastor Mike encourages us to bear fruit by being witness of Jesus to our watching world!
May 14
In this video Pastor Mike Palombo reminds us that even though the world may hate Jesus, Jesus came to love the world!
May 7
For this devotional in John 15:18-20, Pastor Mike encourages us to share the message of Jesus with others as faithful servants to the gracious Master!
Apr 30
In this devotional on John 15:16-17, Pastor Mike encourages us to share the joy of Christ with the world as we continue to abide in Christ.
Apr 23
Pastor Mike encourages us from John 15:12-15 to actively love as Jesus has loved us.
Apr 18
This post introduces you to the Morning to Evening Prayer guide and includes the prayer guide for the Easter Season.
Apr 16
Pastor Mike encourages us from John 15:4-11 to see that the Christian life is not a passive one but an active one that is rooted in Christ's love for us.
Apr 11
This Morning to Evening Prayer guide provide a rhythm for Morning to Evening Prayer through the seven weeks of the Easter season
Apr 9
Pastor Mike offers a needed reminder from John 15:1-9 that we are to abide in Christ through radical dependence on him throughout our life, but especially during this season of trial.
Apr 2
In this devotional, Pastor Mike reminds us to clothe ourselves in Christ-like character as we are confined at home.
Mar 26
In this devotional from 2 Chronicles 20:1-12, Pastor Mike Palombo calls us to seek the Lord in all of our fears. "We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You."
Mar 20
Pastor Mike looks at Jeremiah 6:13-15 and calls us to be experts through immersion in the Word of God.
Nov 14
Oct 9
This post exports two ways that you can take the Order of Salvation Series deeper: 1. Weekly Devotional and 2. Sermon Discussion
Mar 31
The dialogue of the two criminals crucified on the crosses beside Jesus draws out the spectacle of the crucifixion and the resurrection. Let us be in awe of this great spectacle, that the innocent and dying Savior rose for our salvation and our resurrection.
Jan 7
The Pentateuch is the first five books of Moses (Genesis-Deuteronomy). This Blog highlights how to study the Pentateuch and provides a verse devotions sheet for studying Genesis-Deuteronomy. Let's Devote to the Scripture together this year!