20+ Somethings Monthly Events
November 15, 2024 to February 23, 2025

Sept 27 Fri: Family Feud event! (Ryan and Christine Pickard)
Oct 13 2nd Sunday Lunch: Big Lick Tropical Grill after 2nd service (James and Sarah Carrig)
Oct 25 4th Friday: 6pm Pumpkin Carving at Pansy. BYOPumpkin (and any extra carving tools you have) for an evening of pumpkin carving at 2007 Pansy St. Feel free to bring any favorite fall snacks! (Grace)
Nov 3rd Sunday: Waterstone Pizza after 2nd service (Ivan)
Nov 15 Friday: Dancing with Coxes- join us in the Fellowship Hall for a laid-back evening of dancing with Ron and Elke Cox teaching us some moves! Come for the music, the dancing, or bring some potluck food!
(Possible spontaneous Sunday afternoon lunch at the Bagel and I - led by the Pickards)
Date TBD: Cook off with the pastors. A favorite yearly tradition of a cook off (soup/chili/something else) at a pastor’s house.. everything TBD.. (Elizabeth will reach out to pastors and find more details)
Jan 12 2nd Sunday lunch: Mi Patron after 2nd service (Grace)
Jan 17 Friday: LU Hockey game starts at 7pm (Ivan)
Feb 9th: Super Bowl party at Earl and Betsy Weavers- bring food for potluck! Kickoff at 6:30pm (Earl and Betsy Weaver)
Feb 23rd: Ty Thai lunch after 2nd Service (Mason)