
UPDATE: Due to potential inclement weather, RFN Dinner and Classes are canceled for Wednesday, February 19th.
Choir members, keep an eye on your email, Peggy will decide about choirs tomorrow (Wednesday).

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Join Pastor Brett as he focuses on the angelic birth announcement to the shepherds and why they were the ones to receive this announcement.

This resource provides a liturgical prayer guide for Christmas day and a week after Christmas.

For this devotional, Pastor Mike teaches on the birth of the swaddled baby Jesus.

For this devotion, Pastor Ron teaches on the angel’s announcement to Joseph of the birth of Jesus.

In this devotion, Elder Eric Vess teaches on Zechariah/Elizebeth in our Pastor's Advent Devotionals.

For this Devotion, Pastor Mike Palombo teaches us how the story of Esther points to Christ’s risk taking love.

For this devotion, Pastor Ron teaches from Isaiah 9 in our Pastor's Advent Devotional series.

For this devotion, Pastor Shane teaches on Isaiah 7 in our Pastor's Advent Devotion.

Pastor David teaches on Jonah in our Pastor's Advent Devotions.

Pastor Brett relates the defeat of the Baals at Mt. Carmel to the defeat of sin by Jesus at Calvary.

For this Devotion, Pastor Mike Palombo teaches us how Jesus fulfills the David Covenant.

For this devotion, Pastor Ron teaches on Ruth in the Pastor's Advent Devotion series.

Pastor Shane looks at Numbers 21 and the bronze snake and shares how it points us to Christ.

For this devotion, Pastor David teaches on The Ten Commandments in the Advent Devotion series.

Pastor Brett teaches on the Old Testament Passover and how it pointed towards Jesus, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.

For this devotion, Pastor Mike teaches how the story of Joseph encourages us to trust in Jesus in light of life's disappointments.

For this devotion, Pastor Ron teaches on The Advent Devotion-Jacob's Ladder

For this devotion, Pastor Shane teaches on The Advent (The Offering of Isaac).

For this Devotion, Senio Pastor David Weber teaches on the coming of Christ through the story of Isaac.

Join Pastor Brett for an Advent Devotional on God's Promise to Abraham, which is also for us as well.

For this devotion, Pastor Mike shares how the story of Noah points to the coming relief of Christ.

For this Advent devotion, Pastor Ron teaches on The Fall.

For this Pastor's Advent Devotion, Pastor Shane teaches on Creation.

For this devotion, Pastor David teaches on The Stump of Jesse in our season of Advent.