
UPDATE: Due to potential inclement weather, RFN Dinner and Classes are canceled for Wednesday, February 19th.
Choir members, keep an eye on your email, Peggy will decide about choirs tomorrow (Wednesday).

Preparing For The Lord's Day


Preparing for the Lord's Day

No Reservations

William Borden was a young man with everything the world could offer. Born into wealth in the late 19th century, William was sociable, athletic, intelligent, and kind-hearted. With his resources and talents, he could have pursued any path he desired. Yet, he chose to give it all away to follow Christ. While studying at Yale, William heard God's call to become a missionary to the Uyghur Muslims in China. In response, he gave away most of his fortune—much to his family's dismay. He then went to seminary at Princeton, dedicating several years to traveling across America, recruiting others to the cause of Christ before setting sail for China.

But William never made it to China. On his way, he stopped in Egypt to learn Arabic, preparing himself for the work ahead. There, he contracted cerebral meningitis and passed away just weeks later, at the age of 25. And many might say, "What a waste of a life." This man could have done anything. Why give it all away to follow a call to preach the gospel in a foreign land?

Yet, when his Bible was found, three phrases were inscribed inside that defined his unwavering commitment to God’s call: 

“No Reserves. No Retreats. No Regrets.” 

This must be our posture when responding to God's call—a life fully surrendered, without holding back. This Sunday as we dive into the story of the prophet Isaiah’s call and learn what it means to submit to God’s call with no reservations. To come prepared for the sermon, take time this week to read and to meditate upon Isaiah 6:1-8, Jeremiah 1:4-10, Matthew 4:18-20, Luke 1:26-38, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Hebrews 11:8 and this article on Isaiah’s call 

This week we will celebrate that sacrament of the Lord’s Supper during our worship service. As we receive the elements of bread and wine we look in faith to the Lord Jesus Christ. For as we physically receive the signs of the Lord’s body and blood, spiritually we feed upon him and all his benefits. Our hymns for this week include “Come, Thou Almighty King,” “Lamb of God.” and “How Sweet and Awesome Is the Place.”

Sermon Information

Text: Isaiah 6:1-8

Title: No Reservations


  1. You Must Recognize God’s Holiness and your Sinfulness (6:1-5)
  2. You Must Receive God’s Atoning Grace for your Forgiveness (6:6-7)
  3. You Must Respond to God’s Call with your Submission (6:8)

Sunday's Bulletin

Bulletin Insert

With joy and thanksgiving to God, the Officer-Nominating Committee has completed its work and presents the Officer-nominees Class of 2027 and the Nominating Committee, Class of 2026. Enjoy reading their testimonies and getting to know them.