Preparing for the Lord's Day
When things are going well on a project or something that needs to be done oftentimes opposition arises that will try to put an end to the good that is occurring. We should expect opposition and the cause can come in a variety of ways, it could be jealousy, pride, change, or being excluded. Whatever the reason, someone or something will find a reason to oppose the good work that is being done. How much more true is that for the Christian life especially when God's Kingdom work is going well? Nehemiah 3 tells us that the work of rebuilding the wall was underway and things were moving in a positive direction. Many people were involved, gates were being repaired, the wall was being built, and much progress was being made.
Then we come to Nehemiah 4 and opposition arises. So, how did Nehemiah respond when this happened? This Sunday we will see that Nehemiah handles the opposition he faces by praying, making a plan, and remembering the Lord is fighting for him. As we live our lives and deal with opposition, may we by God's grace and mercy through Christ follow and remember Nehemiah’s response when opposition arises. In preparation for Sunday’s sermon, please read Nehemiah 3-4, Exodus 15:3, Matthew 27:41-43, and Ephesians 6:12,
This week we will receive new members into our congregation and a new member will receive the sacrament of baptism. May we all be reminded of God’s mercy and grace and the privilege we have to be part of the family of God. Our hymns for this week include “O For a Thousand Tongues”, “How Deep the Father’s Love for Us”, and “How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds”.
Text: Nehemiah 3-4
Title: Expect Opposition
1. The Opposition
2. The Method
3. The Response
4. The Result