Preparing For The Lord's Day

Preparing for the Lord's Day


1 Peter Sermon Series

In our passage for this Sunday, the Apostle Peter exalts Jesus Christ as the living stone, the cornerstone, and the precious stone chosen by God. To the world, Christ is the stone that the builders rejected and the stone that causes men to stumble. Yet to us Christ is the One Whom we worship and pursue. And through our verses, Peter affirms that He is building us up like living stones into His spiritual house. To come prepared for worship, please be in prayer! Meditate upon 1 Peter 2:4-8 and ponder “spiritual sacrifices acceptable God” (v. 5) by considering Acts 10:4, Romans 12:1, Romans 15:15-16, Ephesians 5:1-2, and Hebrews 13:15-16. 

As we gather to worship the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit this Lord’s day, we will join our hearts in song, singing the Hymn of Praise “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise,” the Acclamation of Praise “My Hope is Built on Nothing Less,” and the Hymn of Response “Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation.” Please also look forward to receiving our newest members as well as our students who have just walked through their confirmation! Let us come to worship this Sunday prepared to hear God’s Word, to receive it in faith, to love and treasure it in our hearts, and to practice it in our lives that we may continue to glorify and enjoy Him!



Join us this Sunday at 4:00 pm in the John Knox Room for our first informational meeting regarding our March 2020 trip to Israel. Visit our websitefor further information regarding the meeting and the planned trip, and be sure to pick up a registration flyer from the Cheatham Center or pastors’ hallway this Sunday!


On Sunday, March 31 from 2:00 to 5:00 pm, professional floral designers Amy Thornburg and Meg Laughon will conduct a flower workshop in the John Knox Room to teach Dutch Master techniques and the basics of color, form, and texture. The registration deadline is next Sunday, March 24 so be sure to visit our website for further details and to find the registration form.


Visit our website to learn about the Flower Guild’s design for this year’s Lent season.


Sermon Discussion