Preparing For The Lord's Day


Preparing for the Lord's Day

We begin a new four-week series entitled, Jesus, a friend of sinners. In this series, we’re going to zero in on Jesus’ heart for the lost as well as his approach in reaching the lost. This is critical if we hope to realize God’s vision of flourishing gospel relationships in the people and places of the Rivermont community and beyond. To do that, we’ll look at four different encounters that Jesus had with lost people…encounters that made him a friend of sinners.

And one of the things that we’ll notice is the way Jesus defines who is lost. We often think of the lost as the irreligious…those who are living without regard for God or His Word, who are living only for themselves, and there are plenty of instances in which that is the case. But Jesus will show us that the lost can also include the religious, and that may surprise us. How can the religious be considered lost? To answer that question, we'll look at Jesus' encounter with the rich young ruler this Sunday, which can be found Mark 10:17-27.

As we examine Jesus' encounter with the rich, young ruler, Jesus is going to reveal a gospel distortion in the rich, young ruler's life that is also common today in America. This exposure will bring about a further gospel disruption and reveals who our savior really is and then we'll end with incredible gospel hope. To prepare for our time in the Word, I would encourage you to not only read our sermon text, Mark 10:17-27, but also Matthew's account (Matthew 19:16-26) and Luke's account (Lulke 18:18-27) and notice the differences between all three. You might also read Romans 3:10, Epheisans 2:10, Matthew 25:34-362 Corinthians 8:9, and Philippians 2:6-8.

As we seek to worship our great God in spirit and in truth, we will be guided by the hymns: "How Deep the Father's Love for Us", "Jesus! What a Friend for Sinners" and "Amazing Grace." I look forward to seeing you this Lord's Day.

Sermon Information 

Text: Mark 10:17-27
Title: I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
1. Gospel Distortion (vv. 17-20)
2. Gospel Disruption (vv. 21-26)
3. Gospel Hope (v. 27)

Sunday's Bulletin

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