July 5, 2020 - Preparing for the Lord's Day
July 3, 2020
Preparing for the Lord's Day
What happens when we stop meditating on the Word of God? We cannot simply shutdown our thoughts or unplug our mental motor. Our thoughts will continue to meditate on everything else around us: our needs, our wants, and other’s prosperity. As we meditate on the prosperity of others, our meditation can easily take us to a dark place of destructive envy. We envy their possessions, their position, their popularity, and their pleasure. This envy can very easily lead us astray from the good God who has saved us, satisfies us, and sends us on mission. How do we sing to the Lord when we have envious hearts? Our sermon this Sunday will address this topic of envy as we learn from the word of God in Psalm 73. To come prepared for worship take time this week to meditate on Psalm 73, Psalm 37:1-11, James 3:13-18, and Heidelberg Catechism Questions 27-28.
This Communion Sunday we celebrate the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. As we receive these common elements of bread and wine we fellowship in faith with the Lord Jesus Christ who is present with us by the power of the Holy Spirit. For as we physically receive the signs of the Lord’s body and blood, spiritually we feed upon him and all his benefits. During this Coronavirus Season, we will have all the elements in the pews and will follow the direction of the pastors to commune together. We will join our hearts in song, singing the Hymn of Praise “How Great Thou Art”, the Acclamation of Praise “My Hope is Built on Nothing Less” and the Hymn of Response “Jesus Paid it All.”
Sermon Information:
Text: Psalm 73
Title: God’s Goodness to Envying Hearts
How do we seek the Lord with envious hearts?
- Expose the lies of envy
- Enter the sanctuary of God
- Keep the end in mind