Preparing for the Lord's Day
All of us can’t stand the self-centered showboat who spends most of his conversations bragging about his accomplishments. He goes about his days proving to the world around him that he is the best at just about everything. You can barely get a word in because he has no regard for the interest of others. Jesus came down to serve, but this man constantly exalts himself and expects others to serve him.
As Pastor of Relational Discipleship, it has been a real joy to serve this congregation for the past six and a half years. We have been so blessed to be encouraged by many of you in our ongoing growth and mission here. For this last sermon, I want to take the opportunity to brag a little bit. I won’t be bragging about myself and anything that I have accomplished since our time here, but I want to boast in the Lord with you regarding His work. We will learn from Paul in 2 Corinthians 10:12-18 why we should boast in the Lord’s work as we build disciples. Come prepared for worship by reading 2 Corinthians 10-12 and Isaiah 49. Also, check out https://stratus.earth and https://www.joshuaproject.net to gain some information and vision about reaching the world with the Gospel.
Boasting in the Lord together, we will gather to sing God’s praise, to pray for God’s help, and be sent on God’s mission. We will worship our king singing together Crown Him with Many Crowns, O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing, Glorify Your Name, and Lift High the Cross. Let us behold the Lord in worship and become like him. Let us go with him on mission to bring this Gospel to the ends of the earth!
Sermon Information
Text: 2 Corinthians 10:12-18
Title: Boasting in God While Building Disciples
- Boast in the Lord’s work of discipleship (2 Corinthians 10:13-15)
- Boast in the Lord’s work of expansion (2 Corinthians 10:13-16)
- Boast in the Lord’s work of approval (2 Corinthians 10:17-18)