Preparing for the Lord's Day
James 4:6 tells us that, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” It is a theme that runs throughout God’s word, those who trust in man fall but those who trust in the Lord are raised up. The men who built up the tower of Babel were cast down in humility (Gen 11:8). Yet when Joseph was unjustly casted down into prison the Lord raised him up to the highest office in Egypt (Gen 41:40). Those who raise themselves up in pride and trust in their own power are opposed by the Lord. He will work to display their true weakness. On the other hand, those who have been brought low He has mercy upon to lift them up. In our Psalm for this Sunday we see a man who has rested in his own power (Ps 30:6) and was humbled by the Lord. However, when he called out to the Lord, the Lord heard his cry of humility and drew him up out of the pit of humility (Ps 30:1). In our own lives it is easy to become complacent and prideful when all goes well. And when things are difficult, we often turn from the Lord in anger. What we see in our Psalm, is that every Christian must humbly pray to God from the pits of life and faithfully praise God from the peaks of life. To come prepared for the sermon take time this week to read and to meditate upon Psalm 30, Genesis 3:19, Psalm 6:4-5; 16:9-10, Isaiah 61:3, Ephesians 2:1-10, James 4:6, and Westminster Confession of Faith 32.
This week we will celebrate that sacrament of the Lord’s Supper during our worship service. As we receive the elements of bread and wine look in faith to the Lord Jesus Christ. For as we physically receive the signs of the Lord’s body and blood, spiritually we feed upon Him and all His benefits. Our hymns for this week include “My Hope Is in the Lord,” “There Is a Redeemer,” and “The Communion Hymn”
If you’re going to be out of town this Sunday, let me encourage you to listen to the sermon online, through the Rivermont App, (available at the App Store or Google Play), or you can download the REPC podcast, which will be delivered to your mobile device.
Sermon Text: Psalm 30
Sermon Title: Prayer and Praise from Pits and Peaks
Sermon Outline:
- How You Fell Down into the Pit
- How God Draws You Up From the Pit
- How You Lift Up God From the Pit and the Peak