Preparing For The Lord's Day

Preparing for the Lord's Day



1 Peter Sermon Series

In his book, Why Do I Suffer? Suffering and the Sovereignty of God, John Currid brings biblical answers to bear on the question of why God would allow suffering in this world. In his work, he quotes a letter Robert Murray McCheyne wrote to a parishioner on her sickbed.

I like to hear from you, and especially when God is revealing Himself to your soul. All His doings are wonderful. It is, indeed, amazing how He makes use of affliction to make us feel His love more… Does trouble work patience in you? Does it lead you to cling closer to the Lord Jesus – to hide deeper in the rock? Does it make you still and know that He is God? …Ah! Then you have got the improvement of trouble if it has led you thus.

Whether you have been diagnosed with a terminal disease, been out of work for several months, have lost a loved one, or have experienced deep depression, the question these situations raise is the same. Why would God allow this to happen? While you may never know the specific reason why God’s providence has allowed a particular trail to come to you, you can have confidence that not one hardship is wasted. For the Lord has deemed to use hardship to draw His people closer to Him. He uses hardships to loosen our grip on the world that we might draw closer to Him. To come prepared for the sermon, take time this week to read and to meditate upon 1 Peter 1:6-9, Deuteronomy 8:2-5, Psalm 119:71, Romans 5:3-5, Hebrews 11:24-26, James 1:2-4, and Westminster Confession of Faith 5.5

This week we will celebrate that sacrament of the Lord’s Supper during our worship service. As we receive the elements of bread and wine, look in faith to the Lord Jesus Christ. For as we physically receive the signs of the Lord’s body and blood, spiritually we feed upon Him and all His benefits. Our hymns for this week include “My Hope Is in the Lord,” “There Is a Redeemer,” and “The Communion Hymn”


Sermon Discussion