Preparing for the Lord's Day
The Strength of Humility
1 Peter Sermon Series
In our passage for this Sunday, the Apostle Peter calls God’s people to the strength of humility in our relationships with the Lord and with His people. While the world “humility” is not so popular with the secular world, there is Spirit-given stability and growth as we become meek and lowly before Him and before one another. Indeed, we’ll see from our verses several secure life lessons as we rest in His love and enjoy Christ-centered relationships. To come prepared for worship, please be in prayer! Meditate upon 1 Peter 5:5-7 and ponder what it means that “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” Also consider the connection of the call to “humble yourselves under the almighty hand of God” and the trust of “casting all your anxieties on Him.” As you think of 1 Peter 5:5-7, please turn to Philippians 2:1-11 and pray God’s blessings for all of us as we follow Jesus Christ in God’s community of faith.
As we gather to worship the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit this Lord’s day, look forward to joining our hearts in song, singing the Hymn of Praise “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty,” the Acclamation of Praise “Before the Throne of God Above,” and the Hymn of Response “In Christ Alone.” Let us come to worship this Sunday prepared to hear God’s Word, to receive it in faith, to love and treasure it in our hearts, and to practice it in our lives that we may continue to glorify and enjoy Him!
If you’re going to be out of town this Sunday, let me encourage you to listen to the sermon online, through the Rivermont App (available at the App Store or Google Play), or you can download the REPC podcast, which will be delivered to your mobile device.
Sermon Notes
Text: 1 Peter 5:5-7
Title: The Strength of Humility
1. Proper Clothing
2. Secure Anchor
3. Focused Trust