Preparing for the Lord's Day
We are nearing the end of our summer sermon series, Missio Nexus, and this Sunday Pastor Brett will be looking at how God would call us to flourish in our workplaces. Given that we will spend anywhere from a third to a half of our life working, we need to know what God thinks about work, about our work, and how it can flourish our neighborhood and city.
We return to the Scripture text that opened our sermon series, which was from Jeremiah 29. We'll be looking at verses 7 and 11 and from these two verses, we'll see that God wants us to flourish our workplaces as a place of calling, of blessing, and of ministry. To prepare for the sermon, please read Jeremiah 29:1-11.
As we gather together for worship, we come to worship the God who invites us to participate in His call to flourish in the world with the knowledge of God as creator, sustainer, and redeemer of life. We will sing praises to our God, singing Hymn of Praise: Praise, My Soul, The King of Heaven, Acclamation of Praise: Jesus! What A Friend for Sinners!, the Gloria: Praise and Glory to the Father, and the Hymn of Response: Have Thine Own Way Lord. Let us behold our God and become like Him as we share with our community the greatness of our God!
Text: Jeremiah 29:7, 11
Title: Flourishing The Workplace
Workplace Is A Calling
Workplace Is A Blessing
Workplace Is A Ministry